Associazione dei Ginecologi Italiani:
ospedalieri, del territorio e liberi professionisti

  • Aogoi
  • Eventi
  • WALLS 2018 - Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

WALLS 2018 - Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

WALLS 2018 - Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

Photo by Modestas Urbonas, CC0 License

14 - 15 dicembre 2018
Palermo, Nh Hotel

International Meeting


Onorary Presidents: A. Perino, G. Scambia
President: V. Chiàntera

Scientific Secretariat: A. Abbate, C. Cicero, M. Dessole, Pitruzzella, I. F. M. Re, G. Sozzi

Surgeons: V. Chiàntera, S. Domingo, A. Ercoli, S. Gueli Aletti, Z. Muallem, E. Vizza




Once again the integrated course “WALLS 2018” will present the most innovative issues in abdominal pelvic surgery. Oncological, Deep pelvic, Benign and Neurosurgical topics will be discussed through an innovative format that mixes live surgery and panel expert discussions.

Even more, comprehensive multi-disciplinary round tables will be focused on future therapies for advanced oncological abdominal disease such as ovarian cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis.

Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and international surgeons, will substitute classical lectures providing a great opportunity to see “real life surgical procedures”. Both Minimal Invasive and Laparotomic Surgery will be faced up covering topics as: Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Deep Pelvic Endometriosis, Neurosurgery for Chronical Pelvic Pain and Advanced Endoscopic Surgery for Benign Disease.

The possibility to discuss step by step the whole path of treatments will give a complete interaction between teachers and participants providing them with a series of comprehensive and immediately applicable knowledges.



Organizing Secretariat

BIBA Gropup
Branch Office: Milano - Nuoro - Verona
Head Office: Via Emilia, 38 - 90144 Palermo
Pbx +39.091.527416 - Fax +39.091.527062 -


